Forgot Mah Spoon!

I finally had a chance to hike a local section of the North Country Trail, which runs from Willow Bay in PA through to the RedHouse area of Allegheny State Park. They suggest the total milage is ~18, but that's just the NYS part- with elevation gains it ends up being closer to 22.5... and... Continue Reading →

Down By The River, Part 2!

As a continuation of the Marden E Cobb- I picked up the Allegheny River in Starbrick late one afternoon- found a nice Island to camp on. Turns out the state of PA has a number of state owned islands on the river for public use. The up side to this- it's actually easy to find... Continue Reading →

Down By the River!

My first venture out this year- was on the Marden E Cobb water way trail. This was Part 3 of my adventure through this trail, Parts 1 and 2 being the upper half that were absolutely miserable (too small, too much blowdown until you hit Frewsburg). From Frewsburg to Warren- it's absolutely beautiful. There's even... Continue Reading →

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